The nature of the media is changing and the communications industry is changing with it. The old models are busted. What chance has the brand that shoves out a generic message to 18 to 30 year old males? The digital age enables the individual to filter the media to their own wishes, to consume what they want, when they want it. Big data enables the company to market to the individual and it is this level of granularity that will drive the next step change in our industry. Advertisements, product placements and programming all tailored to my viewing patterns, tastes and social media habits.
What role for PR in this brave new world? People still seek to reference their lives against influential sources, be they media, journalists, popular bloggers or their friends. The growth of influencer marketing sits well with the traditional PR skill set, even if it does require some fresh thinking. It also drives new models of communication that are based on long term relationship building rather than the flash bang of a press release. If brands are to build longer term relationships they must articulate brand stories that can be told over years rather than 400 words or 140 characters. The stories must be relevant to their audience and compelling. 20 years ago we used to debate the water cooler test "will people talk about this story when they get to work", today social media provides the ultimate water cooler test with the best stories shared globally across any number of social media platforms.
Agencies will have to change their structures with more flexible teams that enable the right mix of skills to be applied at the appropriate time. Few clients will carry the cost of a full time one stop shop team but will instead seek teams that 'get' the brand and the organisation.
The ability to create engaging brand stories that have legs will overtake the value of visual branding agencies. The ability to spot and capitalise on trends within sub sets of your audience will be the difference between success and failure.
Brands with great stories:
Red Bull
Often the stories are told through the achievement and vision of the founder (Apple, Virgin, Ryanair) but equally it can be the customer experience, corporate vision or CSR that drives the story (Waitrose).
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